Assessing College Readiness
EPIC’s founder, Dr. David T. Conley, gave this presentation on college and career readiness at the AERA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, April 2010.
decisions that drive student readiness
EPIC’s founder, Dr. David T. Conley, gave this presentation on college and career readiness at the AERA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, April 2010.
Stanford professor and leading researcher Carol S. Dweck discusses mindsets and how beliefs about intelligence affect learning outcomes. According to her, there are two fundamental mindsets that a student can have about intelligence: it is fixed, or it is fluid and can increase with practice and training. These two mindsets strongly affect students’ perception of their intelligence as well as achievement.
2009_Creating_College_Readiness_38Schools.pdf (5215 downloads) In this 2009 report, EPIC profiles 38 U.S. high schools with proven success in preparing students for life after graduation. The selected schools represent a diverse cross-section…
In this report, EPIC’s founder, Dr. David Conley, suggests that “college readiness” has been defined primarily in terms of high school courses taken, grades received, and scores on national tests. He proposes widening the scope and redefining college readiness to include Key Cognitive Strategies, Key Content Knowledge, Academic Behaviors, and Contextual Skills.
It’s time for high school and college educators alike to come to grips with the fact that high school and college are not nearly as well aligned as they need…