Redefining College Readiness

In this report, EPIC’s founder, Dr. David Conley, suggests that “college readiness” has been defined primarily in terms of high school courses taken, grades received, and scores on national tests. He proposes widening the scope and redefining college readiness to include Key Cognitive Strategies, Key Content Knowledge, Academic Behaviors, and Contextual Skills.

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Washington Adequacy Funding Study

The constitution of the state of Washington declares, “It is the paramount duty of the state to make ample provision for the education of all children residing within its borders.” This establishes education and education funding as the highest priorities for the state. In recent years, Washington has experienced periods of rapid student population growth and disproportionate increases in the number of low-income students, the number of students in special education, and the number of students who have limited English proficiency. At the state level, despite the constitutional obligation of the state to provide an adequate education, a significant number of students are falling short of the state’s own expectations, as measured by the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL). The goal of this study was to determine the level of educational expenditure necessary to make ample provision for the education of all students, providing all students with the skills to meet long-term academic standards, pursue additional learning beyond high school, and become productive citizens and contributing members of society.

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College Board Advanced Placement Best Practices Course Study

The Center for Educational Policy Research (CEPR) at the University of Oregon, in partnership with the Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC), conducted the College Board Advanced Placement Best Practices Course Study, a project sponsored by the College Board. The study examined the content and structure of college courses that demonstrated “best practices” in seven subject areas tested in the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) program.